To say the last few weeks have been a little crazy around my place would be an understatement. But alas, after a smattering of unpaid bills, Internet outages, and one computer hard drive crash, I can safely say that I'll be able to pick up with the weekly reviews starting on Monday with the return of Gotham. What I can't so easily profess to know is how this review is going to turn out. Instead of doing a full recap individually, I'm going to hit the high points because, let's face it, if you've seen the finales of Gotham, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Arrow, then you've already freaked out all over the Internet about at least three out of four.... So without further ado, let me tell you what I loved and didn't love. Oh, and happy New Year! Hopefully 2015 will be filled with nothing but on time reviews and perfectly working computers!
Gotham Season 01 Episode 11 "Lovecraft"
- I could defend Gotham through all the tonal whiplash and boring one off villains, but I can't defend the show if it insists on kicking the can down the road instead of addressing legitimately interesting plot points. The Bruce/Selina excursion was fun, but ultimately felt pointless and while Gordon's new posting might liven things up, this is still not the Gotham we deserve.
Duck It
The Flash Season 01 Episode 09 "The Man in the Yellow Suit"
- WHO IS HARRISON WELLS??!!?!?!?!?!?!!!? The answer to this question remains frustratingly illusive, but we finally get to see the apparent of killer of Barry's mother when Zoom or The Reverse Flash shows up. Barry also displays real fear when he realizes that he can't seem to match up to his nemesis, not just of being outmatched, but of failing his mother, father and ultimately himself. There's going to be a LOT to address when the show returns in a few weeks.
Verdict: 8.0
Watch It Like a Fox
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 02 Episode 10 "What They Become"
- I swear these shows were planning around each other, because every mid-season finale got more engrossing than the prior. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a... troubling first season, but this is officially the last time I'll remember to mention that because season two has fully redeemed the show. Largely because its made itself somehow more important in the MCU than the titular cinematic experiences themselves! Avengers: Age of Ultron is almost certainly going to address the Terrigen Bomb Skye and Raina set off in this episode, but this world changing event will have most impact in this show when it hits airwaves again in... Wait, what?! MARCH?!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Verdict: 9.0
Watch It Like a Fox
Arrow Season 03 Episode 09 "The Climb"
- It is now January 2, 2015. I watched this episode live on December 10, 2014. I still haven't fully processed the ramifications of it. While I would like to float theories about Oliver really being dead and Connor taking his place, or Barry taking a trip on his cosmic treadmill, realistically, we're probably going to see Oliver revived due to the magic of a "Lazarus Pit." Comic readers will know that they can rejuvenate a living person of revive a person from death itself, but sometimes (usually) at the cost of a person's sanity. Ra's Al Ghul probably started off marginally less crazy than he was, but he's been using them to keep young and virile for decades or even centuries depending on how closely they follow the comics. Point being? Oliver is likely to get a revival, but how? And does this give us hope of Sara and/or Tommy coming back to life? If not, what will allow Oliver to revive but not them? Oh, and Laurel is stepping up come January 21st, so basically this show has hit full comic book awesome, and it's setting itself up for greatness again.
Verdict: 9.5